ARTAS Beard & Eyebrow Restoration
ARTAS Robotic Eyebrow & Beard Restoration
At Robotic Hair Restoration, we specialize in beard and eyebrow restoration. These services leave no linear scarring or stitches.

Eyebrow Restoration
Follicular unit extraction techniques allow the surgeon to restore more than just hair on the head. Dr. Rome and his staff can create natural and fuller eyebrows in the case of thinning from age or over plucking. You do not have to resort to unnatural appearing tattooing when there is a completely natural solution with permanent results.
Our center specializes in the microscopic preparation of single haired grafts which are used to restore eyebrows in the way they would be expected to grow. This results in a natural appearance. The procedure on average takes 3-4 hours to fully restore both eyebrows. We are one of, if not THE ONLY center that performs eyebrow restoration with the ARTAS robotic system. This means no linear scarring or stitches on the back of the head.

Beard Restoration
Now there is no need to accept bare or thinning patches of facial hair which prevent many men from enjoying a beard or mustache at any length. Our center specializes in the microscopic preparation of single haired follicular units to create completely natural and permanent results. With the growing popularity of facial hair in recent years, this has become a hugely popular procedure. It was even written up in the New York Times . Facial hair/beard restoration on average takes 3-4 hours to perform and is completely natural. You can wear your facial hair however you like, and groom, grow, trim, shave, and style it however you choose.
We are one of, if not THE ONLY center that performs beard restoration with the ARTAS robotic system. This means no linear scarring or stitches on the back of the head.