Hair restoration is a great option of many men, but it is also an excellent option for many women who suffer from thinning hair. Female pattern hair loss is different from male pattern loss, and usually involves diffuse thinning, especially in the frontal and top (midscalp) areas.
With advances in hair restoration, especially with Robotic Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), the ARTAS procedure can be very successful in treating women with thinning hair. At the Robotic Hair Restoration Center we commonly treat women and restore fullness to their hair which gives back a great deal of self confidence. Female pattern hair loss is not discussed as much as male pattern loss, but it should be. Many women suffer form it, and luckily we can often help make a big difference.
At the Robotic Hair Restoration Center of Beverly Hills, we understand how to treat women with the ARTAS procedure, and we only shave a small areas in the back of the head so the rest of the hair after the procedure will cover the donor area.
The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for hair restoration surgery is to consult with the professionals at the Robotic Hair Restoration Center of Beverly Hills. In addition to offering the latest in robotic hair transplantation, we offer an upfront pricing structure and the most competitive rates in Los Angeles. Pricing for the ARTAS robotic procedure starts at just $6 per graft.